If you’re like ANYONE ELSE in the world right now, you know how it feels to return to work after a lovely Christmas break.
The hardest thing is the weather. Particularly in the UK. It’s drab and it’s rainy outdoors. The Christmas lights have gone away and the walls suddenly look so bare without any tinsel. But that’s where our inspirational posters can come in.
We’ve curated a selection of posters which would look perfect on your office wall and could even inspire you to do something amazing this year.
Research has concluded that offices with forms of motivational art and posters will actually see an increase in employee concentration, engagement and success by 33%.
According to a survey conducted by the BCA and International Association of Professional Art Advisors (IAPAA) to establish a positive relationship between job productivity, stress, morale, creativity, and art in the workplace across industries, “82% of employees said art was important in the work environment, and 73% percent said their view of the company would change if the art were removed.”
Our top 8 framed posters can be viewed below.
1. Working on the Right Problem is More Important than Working Hard
This “Working on the Right Problem is More Important than Working Hard” poster can encourage positive traits to develop skills, problem solving and task prioritisation are key to getting a job done well first time around.
Seeing a poster like this every morning, might make you stop and think, “Am I doing what’s most important right now? Is there something else I should be focusing on?”
A quote like this can jog your memory or make you adjust your workload and to do list, which is always a good step in the right direction.
2. We Are Twice Armed If We Fight With Faith
A poster that promotes team work, trust and faith in one another creates a happy working environment, and what does a good working environment create? SUCCESS.
Sometimes we need a gentle reminder that our teammates can do great things. In particular, small business owners can be the worst for not having faith in their team.
They can be guilty of taking the reins and not delegating in the way they should. A poster like this will remind everybody that together we achieve so much more.
3. Working 9 to 5 is for the Weak
One of our most popular quotes for entrepreneurs, “Working 9-5 is for the Weak,” encourages the increasing lifestyle of working long hours to achieve our dreams.
The 9-5 working day is now associated with jobs that aren’t deemed fulfilling. If you find yourself sitting in your office working hard at 11pm at night when everyone else has gone home, hang this poster up and remind yourself that you are going to achieve amazing things.
4. Fast is Fine but Accuracy is Everything
“Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything,” a reminder to the team to take it slow, pace yourself and do a good job. Sometimes we can get wrapped up in deadlines and targets and lose sight of what is important.
If you’ve found yourself falling into the trap of rushing through jobs and getting the same problems come back time and time again, maybe get yourself this poster to act as a reminder to slow down and consider where you went wrong last time, to try and learn from your mistakes.
5. Wisdom Begins in Wonder
There can’t be anything more empowering than having a bit of Socrates on your wall. “Wisdom begins in Wonder,” promotes a childlike curiosity.
That same instinctive curiosity that takes us to new places and keeps us discovering our dreams every day.
Keeping those sorts of feelings alive is key to a team that feels empowered and passionate about what they do.
6. Words are Power
Knowing that “Words Are Power” and seeing this quote everyday prompts us to think about what our hands are doing as we type.
In this digital age, we are using the written word more and more frequently. Whether it’s in emails, on social media or in our branding and advertising, the implication of words have never been so important.
The spoken word can have enormous power too and as we’ve seen with viral videos recently in the media, they can reach out to so many people.
A well-structured sentence can make just as big an impact as a masterpiece hung in a gallery, these days.
7. Be Obsessed or Be Average
Many decades ago, the aim was to blend in, but now we all want to stick out from the crowd.
Harbouring an unnecessary fear of being average and overlooked resides in most of us in the 21st Century which is why our “Be Obsessed or Be Average” poster helps keep everyone optimistic about their own potential.
Knowing that a strong focus on your dream is “normal” is key to standing out in an increasingly busy marketplace. If we all stopped when we felt like we were getting addicted to our passion, we wouldn’t get anywhere.
8. Natural Born Winner
As children we are constantly taught the importance of winning. We play games, we race, we compete and we are graded. It’s from these societal expectations that we result in a community where being crowned a “winner” is the ultimate achievement.
Having this “Natural Born Winner,” poster on your office wall will be like being called a winner every minute of every day, keeping your mind set positive, your determination high and encouraging that competitive nature that will reap rewards.
These 8 posters are all perfect additions to your office walls this January and they will certainly help you beat any seasonal woes you might have.
Remember, starting your year off on a positive note and getting your office the way you want it to be will help lead you down a successful path that you have created for yourself.
Good luck for 2019, guys!